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Your 1st SMS Machine Campaign.

Running a local business is hard work, and it can be challenging to find the time to create and execute effective sales and marketing campaigns. Hiring sales staff may not be a viable option due to cost concerns, and you may have a list of potential customers that you’re not sure how to target. Effortlessly upload your contacts to the Flow Virtual web platform. With just a few clicks, initiate multistep, personalized text message campaigns. Receive hot lead alerts for positive responses, or let an AI Assistant take charge, depending on your Flow Virtual package

Low Cost💸
Flow Virtual's Reactivate 360 campaigns offer a highly cost-effective solution for generating leads and sales for your local business.
Simply add your prospects to the contact list section on the Flow Virtual web platform. That's it! Next, you'll start to get "hot lead" notifications.
Bookings 📅
Our lead nurture systems do the follow-up for you, a multistep outreach strategy to nurture leads into appointments.
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