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By installing a live chat widget on your website, you can easily generate new leads. This effective tool provides a hassle-free experience for both users and businesses. Unlike traditional live chat services that can frustrate users with long response times, the Flow Virtual chat widget offers a seamless 2-way SMS chat experience that allows users to continue the conversation even after leaving the website.

Easy Set up
To add to a WordPress website, install a plug-in. For non-WordPress sites, include an embed code in the footer section.
Automated Alert
A pre-built workflow will trigger a push notification on both the Flow Virtual mobile app and web browser platform to let you know a conversation has been initiated.
Automated CRM
The workflow also adds Web Chat user details to your contacts section on the Flow Virtual platform, it automatically adds a web-chat tag for easy channel management.
Automated follow up
By leveraging automated drip campaigns, you can continue to target prospects who are not yet ready to buy. These campaigns can be sent through various channels, including email, text, and voice mail drops.

As a local business owner, you understand that prospects are not always ready to buy on the first contact. However, following up is critical to closing the sale. With Flow Virtual, you can easily add the contact to automated follow-up nurture campaigns, ensuring that no lead is forgotten. We help you stay top-of-mind and increase your chances of converting them into customers in the future.


Test drive our automation tools for 30 days, if you are not happy for any reason, we will refund you in full. 

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